There's no such thing as a 'Free' Tert
This is not a postmodernist rant about this edition not existing and before you write in and complain that you "thought it was free" when you picked a copy and try to assuage you poverty-stricken, steal-what-you-need guilt, there are no telemarketers about to call and hit you up for money, there are no Mafiosos walking around Unibar knee-capping readers who can’t produce a receipt and there are even fewer people who want back what is rightfully yours - the free student magazine - your magazine - ‘The Free Tert’.
Having started in 1962, the Tertangala is well and truly older than most of its readers but still remains hip and jiving through the contributions of the students of UoW and its savvy front covers. Each year approximately 15% of its operating costs go back into the undergraduate student community by way of a five cent per word payment. Roughly a half goes on staffing costs and a third in actually printing the magazine. In the interest of WUSA remaining accountable for the money they spend on your behalf and to keep you conscious of how much your ‘free’ magazine costs you, we have included the budgeted figures for 2005.

So while it may not be exactly free, at $1 per edition, you’d be hard pressed to say the Tertangala isn’t good value. If you don’t agree with what’s in the Tert or want to earn back your dollar, join the media collective ( and get involved.
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